We create softboards using recycled ocean-bound plastic waste for component parts. This includes the ECO SLICK, which is the entire underside of our boards and is made with certified plastic waste supplied by Plastic Bank.
We have removed all plastic from our packaging, and only use recyclable / low-impact materials to package our products. Each board we make plants at least one sea tree to mitigate the board’s environmental impact.
Our commitment is to improve our products and processes as we go, with the ocean’s health and its inhabitants in mind. We are Kooks for the Ocean.

No Hard Feelings
9.3 Tonnes Recycled
To date we have recycled over 9.3 tonnnes of plastic waste in our boards and related equipment. This plastic is certified ocean-bound waste supplied by the Plastic Bank.
3,000+ Trees Planted
With help from our friends at SeaTrees we support the re-growth of mangrove and kelp forests in Australia and abroad.

Recycled, repaired & repurposed
With the help of our partners, we are incorporating recycled waste and other low-impact materials into our products. Where we can, we assist with repairs to increase the longevity of our boards. We also repurpose old products where possible so they may embark on a new life rather than being simply discarded as trash.